
Sharon Bartlett

Sharon Bartlett is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist based in Florida. She is passionate about educating others about the importance of making nutritious food choices and promoting healthy eating behaviors. With a background in clinical, community, and Wellness nutrition, she is adept at addressing the diverse needs of individuals and families. Her expertise in food and nutrition makes her the go-to person to bridge the gap between general wellness and specific dietary concerns. She loves to share her enthusiasm for whole-food nutrition with her blog readers and provide practical tips for everyday living.

The Benefits of Outsourcing a Supplement Manufacturer

Outsourcing supplement production to a trusted and qualified supplement manufacturer is an increasingly popular option for companies wanting to reduce costs, save time, and ensure the quality of their products. For both new companies getting started and established businesses looking to expand their offerings, outsourcing the production of their supplements offers a range of tangible […]

Evaluate The Bids Of RFP Consultants

The process of evaluating the bids of Request for Proposal (RFP) consultants is an important part of the overall success of a project. It is essential to select the best consultant in terms of qualifications, experience, cost, team members, past projects, and proposed timelines in order to ensure the successful completion of the project. Evaluating […]